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About Jackie

Hello! I'm Jackie, the founder of NaturalSolutions.biz.

I live in Europe, in a tiny country called Luxembourg that has its good sides and its less good ones, but among its best sides, there is a strong presence of Nature with lots of hills, forests and small creeks. It's a wonderful place to walk and with a lot of patience and a little bit of luck, you can even get to glimpse a wild animal or two.

As far as I'm concerned, I love walking in the woods - even though I do it far less often than I'd like to.

Basically I'm a linguist by education and by trade. But besides, I tend to develop a passion for all things natural, thus I collect a maximum of information here and there that I try to implement in my daily life. I'm not into survivalism - yet - but this is mainly because I don't feel strong enough to be able to jump on that bandwagon. Yet. Maybe it's just a matter of time after all. With a husband who's getting into juicing and a daughter who's going vegan, I think the family is on the right path somehow.

I have tried my hand with blogging, too. With this just like with quite a lot of other stuff, I'm not too regular indeed, but you can see a blog related to this site, which I started some time ago already about my relationship with natural health. Happy reading! And by the way, if you like what you see there even if it's not a lot - don't hesitate to drop me a word in the comments. I may be off season right now as I'm writing this - it's the month of December - but I just feel like reviving some old dormant stuff, so just tell me whether I should go ahead or if all of this is not worthwhile :-) I'd like to have your fedback!

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